What's New

This section shows the new features available in the latest release of the Governance Portal.




AME - My Assessment Revamp

On My Assessments page new navigation tabs are added that display assessments based on the action required by the user:

  • Assess
  • Review
  • View Responses
  • Action Plans

    Assessment manager can choose how to display the object assessments on My Assessments page by selecting any of the “My Assessment View” options: Collapsed (default), Expanded Entities or Expanded objects. Depending on the selection, assessments will be displayed as assessment name link, expanded up to entity level or expanded up to object level.

    There is a toggle Select/Toggle button that allows users to select more than one object/entity from the entities/objects tree. In case of Reviewer, users have option to review assessment either by Entity or by Assessor. See My Assessments for more information.

AME - Update in Assessment Message

Within the Messages section of an assessment setup, you can define the text for the Review Field 'Mark to reopen all questions' within the review. This section appears within an assessment when review is setup.

This can be done from Assessment List (Select the survey) > Message > Edit messages for survey. See Assessment Messages for more information.

AME - Go To Object Functionality

“Go To Object” functionality has been added to:

  • Allow user to directly navigate to any object in an assessment
  • Show total number of questions/answered
  • Show summary about total number of required questions/ answered
  • Provide flexibility for reviewer to select an assessor and review
  • Provides flexibility to enable/disable go to object screen for matrix type assessments

    See Go To Object for more information.

AME Upgrade

AME Tokens & Evaluation Questions will now be available on the basis of Enabled and Searchable options in the System Fields. See Define System Field Labels for more information.

AME Upgrade

From now on, assessor/reviewer will be allowed to take survey in parts i.e. by objects/entities, hence the survey response time column has been moved from the browse section of AME to the searches.

System Fields

The System Field screen has been redesigned. You still re-label fields here, but you can now also turn them on/off on the object and lists where they would appear. This is basically a one stop shop for configuring fields (names and on/off).

New features added to this screen include:

  • A new object type drop-down field was added, which provides quick filter capability of the fields displayed.
  • Fields added to configure the new editable searches capability.
  • New columns have also been introduced such as Enabled, Searchable, Required, Wrap, Max Characters, Decimal Places, Time Displayed, and Security Source. These columns are used to set search properties.

    See Define System Field Labels for more information.

Security - Roles

Search & Analysis

  • Users can now edit field values through Search & Analysis. This allows users to run a search and click on the field they want to update. This removes the need to navigate to the object, then edit, and save. Users can now simply click on the field in the search, edit it, and the update is saved upon clicking away. See View Editable Search Results for more information.
  • Dependency from the legacy core search has been removed. Search & Analysis fields are now governed via System Fields rather than legacy searches.

Pivot Chart

Pivot capability is now available which allows the ability to create inline Pivot Column charts, Bar charts or Pie charts within the search result screen to provide simplified dashboard capabilities. Similar to excel reports, users can define a report to run as a pivot and display more graphics in the search result screen.

This feature is not enabled by default. The Pivot Setting can be located in the Edit Search > Properties tab > Check Enable Pivot (Under Search Result/Pivot Settings). See Create a Search for more information.

Classifications - Tags

Previously, Tags could be used to define linkages and relationships. However, users could not report on Tags through the core searches, only through a custom Crystal report. Users can now report on tags and linkages through the core searches.

Available fields to search on include Tag Path, Tag (Name), Tagged Object Type, Tag Type Description, Tag Type, Tag Description, Tag-Entity Link, Tag-Test Link, Tag-Control Link, Tag-Risk Link, Tag-Objective Link. See Search Tags for more information.

View Definition

A few new properties have been added under the View Definition in order to facilitate editable searches. Users can now select specific fields from objects they want to make editable.

A new Pre-filter has also been introduced in the View Definition, which allows administrators to define search criteria that is applicable to users in defined roles at both an entity and record level (e.g. show all controls that require review, for users in the entity-level “reviewer role”). Using a Pre-filter simplifies workflow as well as improves performance by limited the number of records queried before returning results. See Create a View Definition for more information.



























See Also

Welcome to the Governance Portal

Navigation & Common Functionality

GRC Register


Workflow Management



Project Workbench