Link/Unlink Findings to Other RCM Objects in the Project Workbench

Findings can be linked and unlinked to other work papers and RCM objects within an audit from the Finding Link section of a finding.

Note: This function can only be performed by users with the Findings – Link permission type. For more information on permission types, see Add a Permission Type to a Role.

Link a Finding to an RCM Object in the Project Workbench

  1. Access the project, work paper or RCM object.
  2. Click Findings.

  3. Click the finding name.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Scroll down to the Finding Link section and select Unlinked Items from the View drop-down list.
  6. Select the check boxes next to the objects you wish to link to the finding.
  7. Click Save.

    Unlink a Finding from an RCM Object in the Project Workbench

  8. Access the project, work paper or RCM object.
  9. Click Findings.
  10. Click the finding name.
  11. Click Edit.
  12. Scroll down to the Finding Link section and select Linked Items from the View drop-down list.
  13. Select the check boxes next to the objects you wish to unlink from the finding.
  14. Click Save.

See Also

Manage Findings in the Project Workbench

View Findings in the Project Workbench

Create a Finding in the Project Workbench

Edit a Finding in the Project Workbench

Delete a Finding in the Project Workbench

Export a Findings List to Excel in the Project Workbench

Manage Findings - Management Response in the Project Workbench