Page Layout Configuration

The Governance Portal utilizes C-forms (configuration forms) that provide the administrator the flexibility to change or configure forms, lists, searches and downloads within the system without a change to the code. Specifically, C-Forms allow the administrator to define the fields utilized within certain data objects in the system and modify the characteristics (behavior and layout) of these fields.

By default, standard fields comprise the forms, lists and searches within the Governance Portal. Each field is assigned a field type (e.g. text, memo, date, Boolean etc.). Each field type has its own unique configuration settings. The standard settings allow the Governance Portal to be used, as is, "out of the box" - no changes required. However, for organizations who want to determine what information is tracked and how it is tracked, C-Forms enable personalization to meet specific needs. The administrator may configure the forms, lists and searches through the following types of modifications:

Any changes made to the standard configurations are universal in nature. A change to a given form (e.g. the objective form within an RCM) will be applied to ALL instances of that form (e.g. all instances of the objective form) in your system.

See Appendix - Configure Field Settings for a list and description of the characteristics that may be configured within forms, lists, and searches.

Note: There may be additional system fields available that cannot be configured. Only the default fields in the form and fields designated for configuration (i.e. fields that begin with cat, memo, decimal, etc.) can be configured.

The following graphics illustrate some of the configuration options. Picture 1 is the default configuration for the project work paper form. Picture 2 is the project work paper form that has been configured.

Pre & Post Configuration Sample

In addition to configuring the field settings of the default fields shipped with the system, the administrator may utilize additional fields in the system. Each form has a defined number of additional fields that are not initially visible to the user. Like all fields, these additional fields may be configured. This provides the administrator with great flexibility to capture and track additional information as needed by the organization.

Some default fields are required by the system and prevent changes to some configuration options.

There are several access points to the configurable areas within the Governance Portal:

Configuration is a three step process:

  1. Define system field labels - edit the standard system field labels as they are displayed in forms, lists, searches, and downloads. These changes are made universally across the system.
  2. Create Categories - create new categories and establish the associated values that display to the user as a drop-down list within a form. Drop-down values are added through a combination of:
    • Priority Lists - Priority lists are similar to value lists, except that they employ color-coding for visualization in the system.
    • Category Lists - Category lists are primarily used as the basis for establishing drop-down values in the system. The values appearing in the drop-down lists can also be configured. For forms that are not configurable, the available categories are pre-set in the system; however, new values can be added, modified, or deleted within these lists.

      Note: Default categories are available in the Governance Portal. At a minimum, the administrator should review this information.

  3. Configure field settings - determine the visibility, format and behavior of system fields employed throughout various forms, lists, and searches.
  4. Over 600 forms can be configured in the system. As configuration of each of these forms can be time-consuming, it is recommended to configure individuals forms based on the specific requirements of the implementation.

See Also


Configure a Form

Configure List Search Settings

Configure an Indicator and Project List

Configure Scheduling and Caching for Searches and Reports

Configure Field Level Security

GP - Sec - Configure Form Settings

GP - Sec - Configure Form Tabs

Configuration Fields Settings

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