Project Upload Utility

The Project Upload Utility uses Microsoft Excel to mass upload project information into the Internal Project Portal. By utilizing an Excel spreadsheet, the administrator can easily mass create, update, delete, or move information on projects, project findings & linkages, and project testing detail. The Project Upload Utility allows you to perform the following actions:

The administrator will download the Project Upload Utility spreadsheet to their hard drive, populate the spreadsheet with the relevant information, and then upload the spreadsheet back into the Governance Portal.

Download the Project Utility Spreadsheet

The available tabs on the Project Content Utility spreadsheet are dependent upon the checkboxes you selected before downloading. If you select the Project checkbox, the Project tab will be included. If you selected the Findings checkbox, the Project Findings and Finding Links tabs will be included. If you selected the Project Testing Detail checkbox, the Project Test tab will be included. If you select the Project Scope checkbox, the Project Scope checkbox is included. Selecting the Hours Assignment checkbox will include the Hour Assignment worksheet, allowing you to assign allocated hours to a user per project. Selecting all five checkboxes will include all of the aforementioned tabs. The first worksheet, Tab & Field Descriptions, is always included and provides detailed information regarding field names, maximum character lengths, required fields and any additional notes for each field on each tab within the utility. The remaining worksheets permit specific actions (create, update, delete, or move) to facilitate the creation or maintenance of projects, findings, finding linkages and/or project tests.

Required Fields

Key Implementation Considerations

Create/Update/Delete Projects

Create/Update/Delete Findings

Link/Unlink Findings to Projects

Create/Update/Delete/Move Project Tests

Scoping Entities to Multiple Audits

Assigning Allocated Hours to a Project

Mass Upload Data via the Project Upload Utility

See Also

Project Findings

Project Findings - Critical Path

View Project Findings

Create a Finding

Edit a Finding

Copy a Finding

Link/Unlink Findings to Other RCM Objects

Delete a Finding

Manage Findings - Management Response

Configure your Findings Information

Project Finding Observer

Configure the Governance Portal to use the Project Finding Observer