Project Finding Observer

The Project Findings Observer functionality allows you to designate a third party "observer" to track the progress of findings via notification emails, searches, reports, and the findings list. This feature enables you to assign and report on users who are in charge of monitoring the completion of the action plan but are responsible for updating, reviewing, or completing the finding. These users are different than the Reviewers because they do not actually have to complete the work to close out the Finding. The Observer will receive notifications informing them of the progress and status of Finding.

Note: The field name nomenclature will depend on the existing terminology being used by your Governance Portal. Clients upgrading from v3.x to v4.2 will have Audit Finding Observer as the field name. Clients upgrading from v4.x to v4.2 will have Project Finding Observer as the field name. All new clients will see Project Finding Observer.

The Project Finding observer has the ability to perform the following functions, depending on the users' given roles and permissions:

The Project Finding Observer field is not displayed in any form or page, by default. The Administrators can configure the Project Finding Observer field to be displayed via the respective c-forms.

Note: You must configure your Governance Portal application to enable the Project Finding Observer functionality. For more information, see Configure the Governance Portal to use the Project Finding Observer or contact RTS Technical Support.

This field is added to defined finding forms and searches. For more information, see Configure the Governance Portal to use the Project Finding Observer. Some points to remember pertaining to the Project Finding Observer role:

Note: The Finding Observer feature is not supported for User Groups, if you are dealing with Confidential Projects for User Groups in the Offline Workbench.

For more information on how to manage notifications, see Notification Management.

Note: You must configure your Governance Portal application to enable the Action Plan Observer functionality. For more information, see Configure the Governance Portal to use the Action Plan Observer or contact RTS Technical Support.

See Also

Project Findings

Project Findings - Critical Path

View Project Findings

Create a Finding

Edit a Finding

Copy a Finding

Link/Unlink Findings to Other RCM Objects

Delete a Finding

Manage Findings - Management Response

Configure your Findings Information

Configure the Governance Portal to use the Project Finding Observer

Project Upload Utility