GP - Sec - Configure Form Tabs

Form tabs display specific facilitative functions within the form. Form tabs can be renamed, displayed and undisplayed within a form.

  1. Click Configure under the Form Tabs.

    Module Tabs - Rename

  2. Select the form tab you wish to modify from the From Tab List
  3. Rename the form tab in the text field in the Display/Rename section, if necessary.
  4. Select/deselect the Display checkbox to display/undisplay the form tab.
  5. Click OK to save the changes to the form tab.
  6. When you have finished modifying all form tabs, click Submit.

See Also

Page Layout Configuration

Configure a Form

Configure List Search Settings

Configure an Indicator and Project List

Configure Scheduling and Caching for Searches and Reports

Configure Field Level Security

GP - Sec - Configure Form Settings

Configuration Fields Settings