AME - Sec - Processing Status Tab - Object Based Assessment

The Processing Status tab shows the assessment processing status, assessment start date, and the percentage of processing that has been done for an assessment.

Note: The Processing Status tab is displayed only for the assessments in Open mode. You can notice the processing progress when you change the status of an assessment from Design mode to Open mode.

processing status

  1. Assessment Processing Status: Shows whether the assessment is still processing or has it already been processed.
  2. Assessment Processing Started Date: Displays the date and time when the processing started.
  3. Processing Done: Displays the percentage of processing that has been done.

See Also

Object Based Assessment Setup

Main Tab - Object Based Assessment

Assessment Tab - Object Based Assessment

Questions Tab - Object Based Assessment

Scope Tab - Object Based Assessment

Invitations Tab - Object Based Assessment

Responses Tab - Object Based Assessment

IP Addresses Tab - Object Based Assessment

Deployment Tab - Object Based Assessment

Completion Tab - Object Based Assessment