Utilize the Search Interface

The Search Interface allows users to develop custom queries and filters don all areas of the Governance Portal. Individuals can establish and save their own default search criteria to automatically display information based on their preferences. Users can quickly access the listed objects via hyperlinks in the search results, and results data can be exported to external applications such as MS Excel. These queries can be saved for repeated usage, and are key project management tools. You can also save the search in My Favorites for quick and easy access.

Note: With the exception of the Admin Search (which returns results for all data in the Governance Portal), the data returned by searches in the Governance Portal is limited by the roles of the user submitting the search. Users will only see data returned that he/she has permission to view.

The Search Interface offers an abundance of features that makes searching fast, easy and dynamic, including:

See Also


View the Search Interface

Create a Search

Edit Search Criteria

View Search Results

GP - Sec - View Editable Search Results

Execute an Ad-Hoc Search

Bookmark a Search

Utilize Excel to Create Reports on Search Results

Creating Custom Reports using the Core Searches

Report Dashboard

Reports Library

Configure Scheduling and Caching for Searches and Reports