Project Checklists

Project checklists are a set of questions, items or thought provoking statements utilized by the auditable to ensure they have completed all required project tasks regarding a specific topic or phase of the project. For example, you may create a checklist regarding project committee preparation and reporting. Some items in this checklist may include ensuring the presentation is updated with the latest project activity and status, confirmed times and logistics regarding a meeting and planned and rehearsed presentation. Checklists act as a "to do" list and promote quality assurance for the project.

Internal project checklists are created by the Project Admin and are associated with project activities within a project template. When a project is scheduled and a template is selected, the checklist becomes part of the project process and is completed by the team member.

See Also

Project Library

View Library Project Checklists

Add a Project Checklist to the Library

Edit a Library Project Checklist

Delete a Library Project Checklist Item

Delete a Library Project Checklist

Project Templates

Project Documentation Templates