Admin Searches

Admin searches operate the same as all other list searches searches contained within the Governance Portal, but are only accessible by users in the Admin role. For more information on searches see Utilize List Searches.

Access the Searches link. The following admin searches are available:



Login History

Search the login history by user

Module Permissions

Search all permissions for each module


Search all modules defined in the Governance Portal

Permissions - Documents

Search permissions for org unit and process documents

Permissions - IT Applications

Search permissions for IT applications

Permissions - Org Units

Search permissions for org units

Permissions - Policies and Procedures

Search permissions for policies and procedures

Permissions - Procs

Search permissions for processes

Permissions - Projects and Events

Search permissions for projects and events

Permissions - Testing Details

Search permissions for org unit and process testing details

Tab Permissions

Search all roles that have view permission on all tabs

User Docs

Search all docs by users

User Org Units

Search all org units by user

User Procs

Search all processes by user

User Roles

Search all users and roles

User Testing Details

Search all testing detail by user

User IT Applications

Searches all IT Applications for the user

User Projects and Events

Searches all Projects and Events for a user

User Permission

Searches all permissions for the user by object and role

See Also



Data Model

Governance Portal - Security Overview
