Password Management

The password management function provides added security by locking out a user account after 3 unsuccessful login attempts.

Note: The password management functionality is activated and deactivated via the Site Settings and Governance Portal configuration (web.config) file. For more information, review the Technical Administration Guide or contact RTS Technical Support.

Depending on how the administrator has set up the functionality, you will either have the password sent to your email account, or you will have to contact the system administrator to unlock the account for you.

When the password management function is activated, you will receive the following message after 3 unsuccessful login attempts:

If available, click Send Password to have the password sent to your email account. Otherwise, contact your system system administrator to unlock the account for you.

System Admin - Unlock User

Once the user account is locked, the administrator can unlock it by editing the user's profile and unchecking the Lock checkbox.

See Also

User Management

Create a Single User with a Password

Create a User via the Network Directory

Create a User via Mixed Mode Authentication

Link a User to a Role

Manage Users via Spreadsheet Upload

Edit a User

Synchronize Users

Copy a User

Delete a User

LDAP Functionality