Create a Search

  1. Access the Search Interface.
  2. Right-click the folder or sub folder in which you want to create a search and select icon-newsearch New Search.

    Note: You can add a folder only at the node level and create a search only at the folder level.

  3. Type a name for the search in the Name text box.

    Note: Each search is assigned a name by default. You can modify it by entering a new name for it in the Name text box.

  4. Click the Select the location drop-down menu to change the location of the search, if necessary.
  5. Select a view definition from the View Definition drop-down list.

    Note: For more information on view definitions, see the Manage View Definitions topic.

  6. Select Objects, Editable/Non-Editable Fields, and Fields Type from the drop-down under Filter Columns section. As per your selection in Editable/Non-Editable Fields drop-down, the fields will get displayed as Italicized in the Selected Columns to Display window and only filtered results will be displayed in Available Columns to Display window.
  7. Customize and streamline your search with the following tabs.

    Note: The Selected Columns to Display list in the Fields tab cannot be left blank. Updating information in rest of the tabs is optional.

    • icon-fields Fields
    • icon-filter Filter
    • Sorting
    • icon-grouping Grouping
    • icon-pre-filter1 Pre-Filter
    • icon-properties Properties
    • icon-schedule Schedule


Pivot is the graphical representation of the search result, allowing you to create interactive pivot grids and charts that provide simplified dashboard capabilities.


  1. Click the Pivot icon-pivot icon on your List Form Search Result screen.

    Note: This icon will appear if Pivot has been enabled. To enable, go to the Properties Tab, within the Edit Search Criteria screen, and select Enable Pivot under Search Result/ Pivot Settings.

    Note: Search results can be displayed by default, when executing the saved search, in list form or pivot. To display them in pivot, select Pivot for the View Results In field, from the Properties Tab under Search Result/ Pivot Settings.

When the Pivot screen appears, following actions can be performed in this page:

  1. Select Row, Column, Aggregate and Filter fields from All Fields list to include those fields in to the Pivot table.

    Note: You can also drag and drop fields from Column List into pivot table.



  2. Save: Click icon- Save button to save the Pivot table.
  3. Return: Click icon-return Return button to go back to the List Form search result.
  4. Edit Search Criteria: Click Edit Search Criteria button to edit the search fields. Pivot Settings are also available here.

    Note: See The Properties Tab under Create Search - Ad hoc Search for more details related to Pivot Settings.

  5. Choose Chart Type: Click icon-column-chart for Column Chart, icon-bar-chart for Bar Chart and icon-pie-chart for Pie Chart to view the pivot table in respective chart format.
  6. Chart Color Picker: Click icon-chart-color-picker to change or modify colors of the chart legends.

    Note: By default, the chart has only 11 unique colors, after that user needs to choose from the Chart Color Picker.

    • Change Layout: Click Pivot-Change-Layout to change the layout of the Pivot table Filed List. You can change the layout to Stacked, Side-By-Side, Two-By-Two, and One-By-Four.
  7. When finished, click icon- Save to save your changes, Save&Execute Save And Execute to save the changes and execute the search at one go, icon-Run Run to execute the search without saving, and Cancel to cancel without saving.

See Also

Utilize the Search Interface

View the Search Interface

Edit Search Criteria

View Search Results

GP - Sec - View Editable Search Results

Execute an Ad-Hoc Search

Bookmark a Search