Scope Tab - Object Based Assessment

The Scope tab is where you choose the specific objects to include in the assessment and assign the assessors and reviewers. When you scope an assessment, you have the ability to create Multiple Assessor Groups and Multiple Review Levels and Groups. The review process can be monitored via the Assessment Dashboard.

Note: The object type (risk, control, etc.) is initially chosen when you create the assessment.

Scoping an assessment is a four step process:

  1. Create assessor groups to organize who will be responsible for assessing the objects in the assessment
  2. Select the RCM objects and scope them to the selected assessor groups
  3. Create reviewer groups
  4. Assign the reviewer groups to objects in the assessment

See Also

Object Based Assessment Setup

Assessor Groups

Scope Objects to Assessor Groups

Reviewer Groups

Assign Reviewers to the Assessment

Main Tab - Object Based Assessment

Assessment Tab - Object Based Assessment

Questions Tab - Object Based Assessment

Invitations Tab - Object Based Assessment

Responses Tab - Object Based Assessment

IP Addresses Tab - Object Based Assessment

Deployment Tab - Object Based Assessment

Completion Tab - Object Based Assessment

AME - Sec - Processing Status Tab - Object Based Assessment