
Bookmarking enables you to link relevant information by embedding links to pages, searches and attachments from other areas of the Governance Portal into a selected form. When a user clicks on a bookmarked link, that link will open in a separate window. Bookmarks to pages are commonly created via the Favorites icon, but can also be created from attachments, searches and objects in the entity hierarchy.

Create a Bookmarks from the My Favorites Icon

  1. Navigate to the appropriate page in the Governance Portal that you wish to bookmark.
  2. Hover over the Favorites Add to My Favorites icon on the top right of the screen and select Favorite 4.0 Copy Bookmark.
  3. Enter the bookmark name click OK. The URL of the bookmark is now copied to the clipboard.
  4. Paste the bookmark:

    In a memo field

    In the Attachments section

    In the Quick Links section of selected forms

Create a Bookmark of a Search

See Bookmark a Search

Create a Bookmark of an Attachment

See Bookmark an Attachment

Create a Bookmark from the Entity Hierarchy

See Bookmark an Object from the Entity hierarchy

See Also

Navigation & Common Functionality

Home Page


Log Off

User Account Settings

Formatting Memo Fields

Manage Hyperlinks

Cross Referencing

Quick Links

In Line Editing

Concurrent Editing of Business Records

My Favorites


Bookmark an Attachment

Utilize List Searches

Review and Remediation

Using Notes


Quick Reports
