Invitations Tab - Object Based Assessment

Invitations tab is where you can configure the invitation groups to send email responses to assessors and reviewers. For every assessment, four system generated invitation groups are created automatically under the Invitations tab. The system generated invitation groups are:

Note: Only the Assessor Invitation Group will be created in case of Anonymous assessments as no reviewers are allowed for Anonymous assessments.

Invitation groups are managed from the invitation Group list, where you can view, edit, and monitor your invitation groups. You will not be able to create new invitation groups. Furthermore, deleting the system generated invitation groups is not allowed. Invitation groups cannot be archived.

Invitation Group Functions:

Edit an Invitation Group

Review Invitation Report

See Also

Object Based Assessment Setup

Invitation Group Screen

Main Tab - Object Based Assessment

Assessment Tab - Object Based Assessment

Questions Tab - Object Based Assessment

Scope Tab - Object Based Assessment

Responses Tab - Object Based Assessment

IP Addresses Tab - Object Based Assessment

Deployment Tab - Object Based Assessment

Completion Tab - Object Based Assessment

AME - Sec - Processing Status Tab - Object Based Assessment