Assessment Dashboard

The Assessment Dashboard allows you to drill down and view detailed reports regarding assessment summary, assessor/review level summary, and assessor/review group summary. The dashboard allows you to monitor assessments in various states such as Open, Completed, Not Started, and In Progress. The following diagram shows the basic drill-down structure of Assessment Dashboard:

Assessment Dashboard - Flowchart

  1. Access the Assessment Dashboard.

    Note: Assessment Dashboard can only be accessed by the users in the Administrator or Assessment Manager role, or users who are assigned as Group Reviewers within an assessment. See Manage Roles for more information on assigning users to roles.

    AME - Assessment Dashboard

  2. You can search for the assessment by entering the keyword in the Search box and clicking the Search button. Click the Clear Search button to clear the search box.
  3. From the Filter By drop-down list, you can choose to view all Open, Closed, Archived, or All Assessments in the system.
  4. The following columns are displayed in the dashboard. Click on any column header to sort by that column:
    1. Folder: Displays the folder name as an expandable node where the assessments are located. If an assessment is not organized in a specific folder, it will be displayed in the Default folder.

      Note: See Manage Assessment Folders for more information.

    2. Assessment: Displays the assessment name as a link.
    3. Assessment Status: Displays the assessment status. The assessment status on the Assessment Dashboard screen is read-only.

      Note: You can also toggle between All or Archived assessments by selecting the desired filter.

    4. End Date: Displays the date on which the assessment was closed.
    5. Assessor Status: Shows a pie chart for the assessment that details the count of assessment items in various states, such as In Progress, Re-Open, Not Started, Completed, and/or for any review level where an assessment currently lies.


      • Each review level in the chart includes all review groups within that review level
      • For object based assessments, the numbers refer to the objects being assessed as opposed to the number of assessments.
  5. Click on the assessment name link to view the Assessment Summary screen.

Assessment Summary

Assessor Level Summary

Assessor Group Summary

Review Level Summary

Review Group Summary

See Also

Assessment Management Engine

Assessment Management Engine

Assessment Hierarchy

Create a Standard Assessment

Create an Object Based Assessment

Complete Your Assessment

Manage Assessments from the Assessment Hierarchy

Action Plans

My Assessments

AME - Chpt - Go To Object


Browse Responses

Searching on Archived Legacy (TSA) Assessment Data