Assessment Hierarchy

The assessment hierarchy is a tree interface that allows you to manage your assessment framework from a single holistic view. From this view, you can access all your assessments, navigate and perform all relevant operations for assessments (Assessment setup, scoping assessors, creating invitations etc.). All assessment operations can now be accessed via the assessment hierarchy.

Note: Please note that moving forward from v4.3, the Assessment ribbon item will navigate to the Assessment Hierarchy, and not the Assessment List. Assessment List has been made legacy with the introduction of Assessment Hierarchy. You can, however, add it to your ribbon via the Ribbon Management, if required. You will not be able to access the Assessment Hierarchy and changes associated to it out-of-the-box, if you are UPGRADING to v4.3 of the Governance Portal from an older version. To be able to use the Assessment Hierarchy from the ribbon, follow this upgrade guide. Note that this upgrade guide is only for clients upgrading to v4.3 of the Governance Portal from an older version. New clients will receive all features out-of-the-box.

See Also

Assessment Management Engine

View the Assessment Hierarchy

Manage Filters in Assessment Hierarchy

Manage Assessment Folders from the Assessment Hierarchy

Create Assessment Templates

Manage Assessment Templates/Create Assessments from an Assessment Template

Assessment Hierarchy Permissions

Upgrade Guide to v4.3 for Existing Clients of the Governance Portal

Assessment Management Engine

Create a Standard Assessment

Create an Object Based Assessment

Complete Your Assessment

Manage Assessments from the Assessment Hierarchy

Assessment Dashboard

Action Plans

My Assessments

AME - Chpt - Go To Object


Browse Responses

Searching on Archived Legacy (TSA) Assessment Data