Action Plans

Action Plans allow the process owner to document action steps or upload supporting documentation where a gap or weakness has been identified in the process. Action plans require a review to be completed in order to close the action plan. Action plans can be created manually or via a workflow template. See Workflow Templates for additional information.

Action plans can be created individually for the following objects in the system:

Action Plans allow users to document key remediation steps where necessary and provide a mechanism to manage the resolution of action plans. Email notifications are sent to users when action plans are past due. Additional email notifications may be sent to users when action plans are created, edited or deleted.


  • Administrators can configure fields in the Action Plan form to to update a field based on a specific value of another field or fields. See Configure a Calculated Field for details.
  • Administrators can configure notifications to be sent based on a specific date or event (i.e. creating, updating, closing, deleting) in an action plan. See Notification Management for details.


See Also

Task Driven Workflow

View Action Plans

Create an Action Plan

Edit/Update Action Plan Information

Delete an Action Plan

Configure Your Action Plans

Action Plan Observer

Configure the Governance Portal to use the Action Plan Observer

Event Driven Workflow

Calculated Fields

Workflow Templates

Workflow Projects

Notification Management

Notification Templates

Action Items