User Management

Each user requires a unique id and password, along with defined "roles", which determine the privileges they have in the system. The administrator is responsible for creating user ids and passwords. In some cases, users may self register in the Governance Portal; creating their own id and password. See Login for additional information.

User management administration is a three-step process:

  1. Create a User ID and Password: Below are the options for creating a user, depending on how your version of the Governance Portal is configured:
  2. Assign the user to a role(s) and optionally
  3. Add the user to a user group.

To assist with mass user creation, typically upon initial implementation of the Governance Portal, users can be uploaded via a spreadsheet. See Create a User via Spreadsheet Upload for additional information.

See Also

Governance Portal - Security Overview

Create a Single User with a Password

Create a User via the Network Directory

Create a User via Mixed Mode Authentication

Link a User to a Role

Manage Users via Spreadsheet Upload

Edit a User

Synchronize Users

Copy a User

Delete a User

Password Management

LDAP Functionality

Establish a Security Model

Manage Users and Assign Roles

User Groups

User Profile Management

Manage Roles

Project Role Assignment