Work Paper Types

To create consistency and capability, the Project Portal uses work paper types to direct the efforts of the team members via the analysis section. The work paper type is established when creating the project activity, typically set in a standard project program managed in the library. Each analysis section is different based upon the type of work paper being completed.

The following work paper types are available:

To learn about modifying the work paper type and or creating new activities, see Edit Project Activities.

See Also


Edit Project Activity Attributes

Work Paper Analysis - Complete a Standard Work Paper

Work Paper Analysis - Complete a Meeting & Interview Work Paper

Work Paper Analysis - Complete a Checklist Work Paper

Work Paper Analysis - Complete a Testing Details Work Paper

Work Paper Analysis - Complete an RCM Work Paper

Work Paper Analysis - Complete a Project Report Work Paper

Work Paper Functions - Copy a Work Paper

Work Paper Functions - Review a Work Paper

Work Paper Functions - Generate a Task for a Work Paper

Work Paper Functions - Generate a Finding for a Work Paper

Work Paper Functions - Add an Attachment to a Work Paper

Work Paper Functions - View History of a Work Paper

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Manage Electronic Work Papers

Project Activity Attributes

Work Paper Functions

Review a Work Paper

Review a Finding

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Identify & Evaluate Controls: Using a Project Risk Control Matrix (RCM)

Project Testing

Project Findings

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