View the Project Universe Dashboard

The project universe dashboard provides project managers a holistic view of all of the projectable units within the organization and the project status including project priority, history, reports and findings.

Just as important, it allows management to view what has NOT been projected within the organization.

The project units are grouped by category and search criteria can be utilized to narrow the project universe view (e.g. most recent projects, no projects, unit name etc.). Links are available to provide access to additional information (e.g. organization unit form, project priority, findings and reports etc.).

Access the Project Universe Dashboard

  1. Access the project.
  2. Click Project Coverage in the Project section.

    Audit Universe - Dashboard

  3. Utilize the Search Criteria to narrow the project universe view.

See Also


Manage Projects

Project Settings

Schedule a Project

Edit a Project In Progress

Edit a Scheduled Project's Attributes

Edit Project Scope

Sync Project RCM with Core RCM

Delete a Project

Manage Electronic Work Papers

Project Activity Attributes

Work Paper Functions

Work Paper Types

Review a Work Paper

Review a Finding

Review a Project

Identify & Evaluate Controls: Using a Project Risk Control Matrix (RCM)

Project Testing

Project Findings

Project Notifications


Close and Archive a Project

View Archived Project Information