Configure the Governance Portal to use the Action Plan Observer

You must perform a number of configurations to the Governance Portal system to include the action plan observer in your action plans.

Update the System Fields to Display the Action Plan Observer Field

Access the System fields section, and click the System Field Report Filter checkbox next to the Action Plan Observer field to ensure that the field is included on action plan forms and searches.

Note: For more information, see Define System Field Labels.

Configure the Action Plan Attribute form to display the Action Plan Observer Field

  1. Access the Action Plan Attribute form.

  2. Click on the Link for the Action Plan - Observer Field.

  3. Display the Action Plan Observer field.
  4. Select "ISActPlnAttrEditable" in the View-Only field. This will mean only users who have the Action Plan Edit Attributes permission type can edit this field.
  5. Submit and save the form.

Note: For more information, see Configure a Form.

Update List Forms to Include the Action Plan Observer Field

The following action plan related forms must be updated to include the Action Plan Observer field:

Note: If you have any issues configuring the Action Plan Observer functionality, contact RTS Technical Support.

See Also

Action Plans

View Action Plans

Create an Action Plan

Edit/Update Action Plan Information

Delete an Action Plan

Configure Your Action Plans

Action Plan Observer