Assign Role Membership via Spreadsheet Upload

The Governance Portal allows users to be assigned to various objects (organization units, processes, IT Applications, action plans etc.) through a spreadsheet upload. Searches help facilitate the role assignment. The following options are available to assign users or user groups to various objects within the Governance Portal.

Role Membership


Action Plan Membership

Assign users to Action Plan Resolution Owner and Action Plan Reviewer for multiple Action Plans.

Control Membership

Assign users to Control Owner and Control Evaluator for a multiple Controls.

Document Membership

Assign users to the Admin Role for a multiple Documents.

IT Apps Membership

Assign users to IT applications.

Objective Membership

Assign users to the Objective Evaluator role for multiple objectives.

Org Unit Membership

Assign users to numerous roles* within multiple Org Units

(Action Plan Editor, Admin, Assessment Executive, Assessment Manager, Assessment Reviewer, Assessment Signoff, Assessor, Control Editor, Control Evaluation Editor, Control Reviewer, Documentation Editor, Documentation Viewer, Documentation Reviewer, or any other created roles).

Process Membership

Assign users to numerous roles* within multiple Processes

(Action Plan Editor, Admin, Assessment Executive, Assessment Manager, Assessment Reviewer, Assessment Signoff, Assessor, Control Editor, Control Evaluation Editor, Control Reviewer, Documentation Editor, Documentation Viewer, Documentation Reviewer, or any other created roles).

Projects and Events Membership

Assign users to projects and events.

Risk Event Category Membership

Assigns users to the Risk Event Category Evaluator and the Risk Event Category Owner roles for an Org or a Proc.

Risk Membership

Assign users to the Risk Evaluator role for multiple risks.

Test Membership

Assign users to numerous roles* linked to Tests (Admin, Report, Test Editor, Test Viewer, Tester)

Project Membership

Assign Team Member role to a single user or multiple users for a given project.

  1. Select the Default GRC context from the context menu.
  2. Click the Administration tab.
  3. Select Mass Role Assignment from the Security group.

    Mass Role Assignment Navigation

  4. Click Download.
  5. Click a Role Membership Search.

    Note: You can assign the Team Member role to a user for a given project via the Mass Role Assignment. To do that, select the Project Membership search in the Role Membership Searches window and specify the appropriate search criteria.

  6. If necessary, create a search or click Execute to run the current search.


    • See Utilize List Searches and Utilize Saved LIst Searches for additional information.
    • Certain fields are required for processing the spreadsheet. These fields are denoted by the "REQ" prefix.
    • Fields beginning with RESET should be included based on the type of reset to be performed.
    • The Project RCM objects will be ignored while performing the Selective Reset.
  7. Within the search results screen, click the icon-Action Menu Action Menu and click icon-Download List Download List to download the search results to a spreadsheet.
  8. Enter any required data (e.g. additional user email addresses etc.).
  9. Place an X in the ENTERReplaceExistingAssignment column if the role assignments should replace what is currently in the system.

    Note: If an X is not placed in the ENTERReplaceExistingAssignment column, then the users/user groups added to the spreadsheet will be appended to the current data in the system.

  10. Save the file to your hard drive.

    Note: Change the Save as Type to Microsoft Excel Workbook, or Excel 2003 VLSI if you are using Microsoft Windows '07.

  11. Return to the Governance Portal and click the Browse... button.
  12. Locate the modified upload spreadsheet.
  13. Click Process Spreadsheet.

Check the Processing Results box for any errors that may have occurred during import. If an error occurs the spreadsheet processing will fail, no records will be created or updated. Return to the Excel template, and make necessary modifications as directed through the Processing Results box.The various objects and models (org, process, action plans, documents etc.) must already exist. User and role names must already exist in the Governance Portal . The model and or objects are downloaded to the template (based on search and filter criteria) along with attributes of each model/object. Additionally, the existing role and user/user groups contained within the Governance Portal are downloaded to the spreadsheet. The user can perform additional filtering if necessary, and then places an X in the ENTERReplaceExistingAssigment field to replace the existing role assignments or leaves the column blank to append the existing role assignments. The user may also enter additional roles, email or user groups into the appropriate column separated by a semicolon.

Column Headings - Entries


Project Name

Required. Contains the name of the project to which the Team Member role and other project specific roles are to be assigned.

Select Columns

No entry. Columns selected by the user during the search process or contained in the basic search and downloaded to the spreadsheet.


No entry. Place an X in this column to enter or replace the existing membership assignment in the Governance Portal . Leave this column blank to append the existing membership assignment.


Required. Automatically populates with the role name in the Governance Portal. Additional role names can be entered into the field. Separate each name with a semicolon.


Required. Automatically populates with existing user emails assigned to the role membership. Additional user emails can be entered into the field. Separate each email address with a semicolon.

Note: These fields can be left blank if User Groups are being utilized.


Required. Automatically populates with existing user groups assigned to role membership. Additional user groups can be entered into the field. Separate each group name with a semicolon.

Note: These fields can be left blank if User Emails are being utilized.


No entry. Place an X in this column for Documentation Viewer and/or Documentation Editor roles to append the existing document permissions with the permissions at the documentation level.


Place an X in this column for Test Default Viewer and Test Default Editor roles to append existing test permissions with the permissions at the process level.


No entry. Place an X in this column for Documentation Viewer and/or Documentation Editor roles to replace the existing document permissions with the permissions at the documentation level.


Place an X in this column for Test Default Viewer and Test Default Editor roles to append existing test permissions with the permissions at the process level.


No entry. Object id number automatically generated by the Governance Portal.


No entry. Object type number automatically generated by the Governance Portal.



Template Notes


Import Operation

The user/user groups will automatically be assigned the role at the selected object (org unit, process, action plan, document etc.) contained on the import template.

Maximum Rows


Spreadsheet Locking

To allow for filtering, the spreadsheet is not locked. However, actions should only be performed around data downloaded from Portal. Do not add additional rows of data directly to the spreadsheet.

Validation Notes


Portal Reaction

Suggested Corrective Action

The role name could not be found for the object type selected

Entire import is rejected

Verify and enter role name for selected object.

Invalid or incorrect user email

Entire import is rejected

Verify and enter correct user email address.

Invalid or incorrect group name

Entire import is rejected

Verify and enter correct group name.

Object id not found for select object type (e.g. this was entered into the spreadsheet)

Entire import is rejected

Create a search and utilize data from the spreadsheet.

AppendDocTestPerm and ReplaceDocTestPerm can not both be checked.

Entire import is rejected.

Place an X in only one of the columns per row.

User email is being cutoff and/or error message received indicating the user does not exist because the user email can not be found

Import is rejected

MS Excel utilizes the second row in the spreadsheet to interpret the text type for the rest of the column. Therefore if any row contains more than 255 characters in the EnterUserEmails column, this data should be moved to the 2nd row of the spreadsheet. This will allow MS Excel to correctly read any other row where the EnterUserEmails column is larger than 255 characters without cutting off the email addresses.

See Also

Manage Roles

Add a New Role

Copy a Role

View Users Linked to a Role

Add a User to a Role

Add a User Group to a Role

Add a Page Permission to a Role

Add a Permission Type to a Role

Configuration of Roles

Delete a User from a Role

Delete a User Group from a Role

Delete a Role

Assign Entity-Specific Role Membership via the User Interface

Assign Project Specific Role Membership via the User Interface

Role Based Views: Display Risk and Control Evaluation information by Role