Utilize Saved Searches

  1. Access the appropriate form or list to create a search (e.g. action plans, tasks, objectives, risks, controls, tests).
  2. Click the icon-Action Menu Action Menu and click Saved Searches.

    Note: You may also click Saved Searches from the Search and Admin/Search list view.

  3. Click Execute to run the search and view the results.
  4. Click Favorite Old IconAdd To Favorites to save the search in your Favorites list.

Note: If you are using Excel Report Generation for Searches, you can click Edit Search Criteria 2 Edit Search Criteria to determine how the search results will be displayed. See the section, Upload the Excel Workbook to the Governance Portal and View Results for details.

See Also

Utilize List Searches

Edit a Search in a List

Save a List Search

Execute a Search

Delete Saved Searches

Download Search Results

Set Individualized Default Search Criteria
