Workflow Templates

Project teams can establish workflow in the system by creating, assigning and scheduling tasks on a periodic basis. The workflow tasks can be for reviews, evaluations or "general" in nature. Workflow tasks can be created for:

Project teams will create a workflow template and assign tasks to the template. Workflow tasks contain the task name, the function to be performed for each task (e.g. review, evaluate, test or general), the assigned task owner role, and the start and due dates. The template is then deployed to a project. Projects allow multiple templates to be assigned to specific objects in the Governance Portal. Each task/template can also establish notification and reminder emails based on specified conditions and events to help ensure the task is completed. The template can be modified and used again. Upon successful upload of a workflow template, workflow tasks become Action Items (reviews, evaluations, general actions) to be completed by the responsible owner. These action items appear in the Action Items list, Action Items Dashboard as well as the various lists in My Portal.

Once a name, description and object type are established, tasks are created and assigned to the template. Workflow tasks are assigned to object-level roles. The list of available roles is dependent on the Object Type selected.

Conditions can be assigned for each task (see Add a Task to a Workflow Template). In addition, a workflow template can be triggered by events, such as a change in a form field (see Event Driven Workflow). Items to be included in the workflow are created through a search procedure. An MS Excel file is created that can be edited which includes the detailed information of an evaluation and its workflow including dates and the project to which an evaluation/workflow is assigned. Since a workflow template can contain only one object type, multiple workflow templates can be assigned to a single project. For example, a quarterly evaluation may include a review of risks and objectives. Therefore both a risk template and an objective template can be assigned to a project by designating the project in the MS Excel file and uploading it into the Governance Portal. Workflows are deployed in the Governance Portal when items, start dates and projects are assigned to a workflow template when the MS Excel file (spreadsheet) is uploaded and processed.

See Also

Task Driven Workflow

View Workflow Templates

Create a Workflow Template

Add a Task to a Workflow Template

Edit the Workflow Template

Re-order Workflow Task Steps

Edit a Workflow Task

Delete a Workflow Task

Delete a Workflow Template

Push Workflow Tasks to Objects & Projects via Spreadsheet Upload

Event Driven Workflow

Calculated Fields

Workflow Projects

Notification Management

Notification Templates

Action Plans

Action Items