Creating Custom Reports using the Core Searches

Note: This feature requires you to have Crystal Report Designer installed on your machine.

The core reporting model allows you to define the fields and reporting relationships you wish to use as the data source for development of a Crystal Report. The core reporting model contains fields and reporting relationships for key data objects of the system, including the RCM, financial elements, objectives, risks, controls, tests, action plans, tasks, attachments, incidents, and indicators. Using the core reporting model is a four-step process:

  1. Choose your Report Template
  2. Define the field and filter criteria
  3. Download and Develop the Crystal Report through the Crystal Reports interface
  4. Upload the Crystal Report file to the Governance Portal

Note: The core reporting model retrieves and returns only the relevant data objects and relationships, based on the established field and filter criteria. However, the definition of a view that requires retrieval of multiple data objects may have negative performance impacts on the server. Therefore, it is recommended that the reports be tested on an isolated test server prior to being put into a production environment.

See Also


Choose the Report Template

Define Field and Filter Criteria

Download and Develop the Crystal Report

Upload the Crystal Report file to the Governance Portal

Utilize the Search Interface

Utilize Excel to Create Reports on Search Results

Report Dashboard

Reports Library

Configure Scheduling and Caching for Searches and Reports