Create Risk Event Category Templates

Risk Event Categories allow risks to be categorized by a common language used by the organization to assess the level of risk existing in areas of the business. Multiple risk event categories can be added to a template.

  1. Click the Embedded GIF for RHIU Presentation Risk Event Category icon under the Description column on the Risk Control Templates list or form.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Select a Risk Event Category name from the drop-down list.

    Note: Available options are based on the risk event categories contained in the risk event model.

  4. Click icon-Select User Select User or icon-Add User Group Select User Group to choose an owner for this risk event category.
    • Enter text that contains the name, email address or network ID of the user you wish to select and click Execute or click Show All.

      Note: A list of users containing, (not equaling), the entered text will display in the search results.

    • Click the name of the user or click Select No User to indicate the user is not required.
  5. Click Save.

Link Risks to a risk event category

Existing risks can be linked to a risk event category.

  1. Click icon-Expand Expand to view the Risks and Controls section.
  2. Click Link from the Risks and Controls section.
  3. Select the risk event category name from the drop-down list for each risk that should be linked to this risk event category.
  4. Click Save.

Add risks to a risk event category

New risks can be added to a risk event category

  1. Click icon-Expand Expand to view the Template Risks and Controls section.
  2. Click Add from the Risks and Controls section.

    Note: You can also click icon-Add Add to add new risks in-line. See In Line Editing for additional information.

  3. Complete the Identify Risk form.
  4. Click Save.

See Also

Add a Risk Control Matrix to the Template Group

Create the risk and control matrix (attributes)

Create Objective Templates

Create Risk Templates

Create Control Templates

Create Testing Detail Templates