Create the risk and control matrix (attributes)
  1. Access the Risk Matrix Templates.
  2. Click the name of the desired Risk Matrix Template Group.

    Note: The Risk Matrix Template Group screen appears. It lists any risk and control templates that have already been added to the group.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Enter a new name and description for the template.
  5. Select a RCM status and primary COSO objective from the drop-down list.
  6. Enter any comments.
  7. Click Save.

    Note: The template is created and named but does not contain any risk and control information.

  8. Click Edit to modify the template attributes (i.e. name, description, RCM status, comments and Primary COSO objective).

    Note: After a Risk Matrix Template is complete, you may want to set the Risk Matrix Status attribute to "Importable" implying it is ready to be imported into a risk matrix for a specific process.

  9. Click Save to accept the attribute changes.
  10. Click icon-Add Add for one of the lists (Objective, Risk, Controls and Testing) to enable an inventory of these key items and a definition of relationship to one another.

See Also

Add a Risk Control Matrix to the Template Group

Create Objective Templates

Create Risk Templates

Create Control Templates

Create Testing Detail Templates

Create Risk Event Category Templates