Link a Financial Element to a Process or Sub-process

  1. Access the PCS List.
  2. Click the name of the PCS from the list to view the PCS process scheme.
  3. Click the name of the process classification to which you wish to link a financial element.

    Process Classification Financial Elements - Navigation

    Note: Continue to drill down to child process classifications as necessary.

  4. Click Link in the Process Classification Financial Elements section.

    Proc Class - Del

  5. Select the financial element check box that should be linked to this process classification.
  6. Click Save.

    Note: The elements are listed for this process.

    Proc Class - Del2

Note: Linking financial elements to process classifications will serve as the default elements for that process throughout the system. However, for a given instance of a process (i.e. accounts payable tied to the organization "North America") you can modify the elements. This is a one-directional modification, implying that this does not alter the PCS relationship.

See Also

Process Classification Scheme

Create a PCS

Build Out a PCS

Add Child Process Classifications

Copy an Existing PCS

Edit a PCS

Delete a PCS

Delete a Process Classification

Global Synchronization of Process Classification with Processes