Edit a PCS

Editing a PCS allows the user to change:

  1. The name of a process classification
  2. The order of an individual process classification
  3. The attributes of the process classification

Note: If the attributes or linked elements of a process classification are changed after the process classification has been linked to an organizational unit, the attributes and links in the process contained in the organizational unit will not change. The reason is that in some cases, you may wish for a process contained in one organizational unit to have different attributes or links than the same process classification contained in a different organizational unit. Instead, the Governance Portal also allows you to "push" changes made to process classifications to all processes linked to organizational units. You can synchronize at a global level or selectively through spreadsheet interface. See the Global Synchronization of Process Classification with Processes section or Push Process Classification Updates to Select Processes via Spreadsheet Upload section for more detailed information on this functionality.

See Also

Process Classification Scheme

Create a PCS

Build Out a PCS

Add Child Process Classifications

Copy an Existing PCS

Delete a PCS

Delete a Process Classification

Link a Financial Element to a Process or Sub-process

Global Synchronization of Process Classification with Processes