Enable Search Results to Display in a Excel Report

Users can create graphs and reports using Microsoft Excel© and link them to search results, which can be viewed from the Governance Portal or saved to the homepage to serve as a dashboard of important topics. These reports can also be configured to automatically render each time the search is run.

Setting up search results to display in a graphical Excel format is a three-step process that must be completed for each search that will utilize this functionality. Users must complete the following steps:

  1. Create, execute and save your search within the Governance Portal
  2. Create the Excel Workbook file
  3. Upload the Excel file to the saved search within the Governance Portal

Once these initial steps are completed, the search may be executed within the Governance Portal and the graph/chart will refresh with updated data.

Note: In order to properly utilize this functionality, the user must have business application knowledge of Microsoft Excel, specifically the creation and manipulation of PivotTables and Pivot Charts for reporting purposes.

See Also

Utilize Excel to Create Reports on Search Results

Create the Excel workbook for the Graph/Report

Upload the Excel Workbook to the Governance Portal and View Results

Estimated Response Time Table

Enable/Disable Excel Report Generation for Searches

Modify Browser Settings to Download Search Results

Modify Excel Folder Options to View Reports