Edit a Category
  1. Access the Category List.
  2. Right-click the category and select icon-view or edit category Edit Category.


  3. Double-click the category, or right-click and select icon-view or edit category View Category, and click Edit on the category page.
  4. Update the category name and/or description.
  5. Click Save.

    Note: Editing a category name should be completed prior to assigning categories to text fields in the configuration process. Editing the name after the list has been assigned to the field will prevent the user from seeing values in the drop-down list.

See Also


View a Category

Add a Category

Create a new Category using an Existing Category

Delete a Category

View Category Values

Add a Category Value

Add Multiple Category Values

Edit a Category Value

Sort Values in a Category

Link Category Values to Roles

GP - Sec - Linked Object View Access for RCM Objects

Add an Icon to a Category Value

Update a Category Value Reference

Delete a Category Value