Add a New Page

Adding a new page requires the Administrator to create the page and sub pages, establish access rights, and add forms to the page to define functionality and purpose.

  1. Access the Page List.
  2. Click Add.

  3. Click Page Select to choose where this new page will reside in the application. There are three options:
    • Click Top Level to indicate there is no parent page and display this at the highest level of navigation
    • Enter a page name and click Search to select a parent page.
    • Click Show All to see a list of existing pages. Click the page name to select as the parent.
  4. Enter the name and description of the new page.

    Note: Do not utilize the following characters when entering information into Portal; & * % # @ ; / \ : , - or ~. .

  5. Choose the Ribbon Filter level from the drop-down menu to select the areas of the ribbon you want the page to appear in the Ribbon Management screen
  6. (Optional) Select an option from the Permission drop-down list to apply existing permissions from the selected page to the new page.

    Note: By default, you should choose Custom Items if you are creating a new page. See Ribbon Management for details on how the ribbon filter is used.

  7. Click Save.

    Note: The page is created and listed in the left navigation pane.

See Also

Manage Pages

Add a Sub Page (child page)

Edit Pages or Sub Pages

Link Roles Directly to a Page

Change the Page and Sub Page Order

Delete a Page or Sub Page
