Calculating Variance

Variance is calculated on the basis of allocated hours (via Project Upload Utility or via Scheduler), scheduled hours (via Scheduler), and actual hours (via Time and Expense Report). Three types of variances have been introduced with v4.3 of the Governance Portal. These are:

  1. Allocated vs Actual Variance: This is calculated using the formula: Allocated hours - Actual hours
  2. Allocated vs Schedule Variance: This is calculated using the formula: Allocated hours - Scheduled hours
  3. Scheduled vs Actual Variance: This is calculated using the formula: Scheduled hours - Actual hours

    Note: Allocated hours are calculated when a user is assigned to a project and certain number of hours are inputted as Allocated Hours. User logs a timesheet and enters hours per day for that project. The system calculates the Actual Hours based on hours logged for standalone days. Similarly, the system calculates the Scheduled Hours based on hours assigned for individual days, after a user has been assigned individual hours on daily basis.

Project core searches will display the variance fields along with Allocated Hours, Scheduled Hours, and Time Report Total Hours fields. Variance can be less than 0 in the following cases:

Note: If both Project Name and User Name fields are displayed, then hours assigned to multiple users assigned to a project will be displayed as different line items in project core search. However, if the User Name field is not displayed, the sum of hours assigned to multiple users will be displayed.

See Also

Project Scheduler Overview

Establish the Project Workweek

Add a Project from the Project Scheduler

Edit a Project from the Project Scheduler

Manage the Project Budget

Assign Team Members and Plan Hours in the Project View

Assign Projects and Plan Hours in the User View