Incident Evaluations

On the Incident Attributes page, you are presented with five incident evaluation modules. These incident evaluation modules allow you to configure various incidents in your organization to appear as per various roles.

incidents evals

  1. Access the Incident Attributes page (Via the Incident list from an RCM or via Ribbon).
  2. Expand any incident evaluation section that you wish to configure.

    Note: Incident evaluations are named IncidentEval1, IncidentEval2...IncidentEval5, by default. You can however, change the default names to match your requirements.

  3. Click Edit.
  4. Make the necessary changes.
  5. Click Save to save the changes.

See Also

Manage Incidents

View the Incident List

Add an Incident

Edit an Incident

Link/Unlink an Incident to an RCM Object

Delete an Incident

Configure your Incident Information

Accessing Incidents via Ribbon