Add a Stakeholder to a Project

Stakeholders are the key contacts for a specific organization, process etc. Typically after the scope has been determined, key stakeholder users or user groups may be added to the project. Search functionality is available to assist in locating stakeholders that should be assigned to the project.

  1. Access the project .
  2. Click the Manage Stakeholders link in the Project Section.

    Auditee Tab

  3. Click the icon-Action Menu Action Menu and click Link Users or Link User Groups.
  4. Select the checkbox next to the name of the user or user group to be added as an stakeholder to this project.

    Note: Click Edit Search to create, edit and execute a search to narrow the list of users. See Edit a Search in a List for additional information.

  5. Click Save.

See Also

Schedule a Project

Schedule a Project - Critical Path

Schedule a New Project

Establish Project Scope

Check Team Member Availability

Assign Team Members to a Project

Update Auditable Roles for a Specific Project

Allocate Plan Hours to Activities

Manage the Project Schedule