
Checklists are a group of questions associated with a business process and are displayed on the Risk Control Matrix. These checklists are specifically designed to monitor "change-events". Specifically, process owners will note if any changes occur within an area that affects the control design or operation. Certain responses may highlight an issue and require a re-evaluation of design or operating effectiveness.

Checklists are created and maintained by the project team.

Creating checklists and pushing them to risk control matrices is a multi-step process consisting of:

Note: Linking the checklist to a process will NOT automatically push questions to the Risk Control Matrix associated with that process. You can push questions to the Risk Control Matrix via 1) the Push questions to risk matrices link on the Checklist form or 2) the Reset Analysis feature. The "decoupling" of the link and push procedures is purposeful, allowing project teams to add questions to checklists within a given period without having those questions necessarily appear in the end-users RCM Checklist in the middle of a period after the user has potentially completed their responses. While the two procedures are purposely decoupled, project teams can push new questions or remove deleted questions to/from associated Risk Control Matrices at any time.

See Also

Framework and RCM Library

Create a New Checklist

Copy an Existing Checklist

Delete Questions in a Checklist

Link Checklists to Entities

Link Checklist to Entities via Spreadsheet Upload

Push Checklist Items to RCMs

View the Risk Control Matrix - Checklist

Edit Checklist Summary Information

Respond to Checklist Questions

Risk Matrix Templates

Documentation Formats
