Download Search Results

The Governance Portal search results can be downloaded as a rich text format (RTF) file to third party software applications for additional review and analysis.

  1. Edit a list search.and Execute the list search,
  2. Click icon-Action Menu Action Menu and click icon-Download List Download List in the Search Results Screen to download the search results to a spreadsheet.

    Note: Select Download List CSV to download the list to a CSV file.

  3. Click Open to view the search results in an Excel spreadsheet without saving the file.
  4. Click Save to save the file to your hard drive.
  5. Enter a descriptive file name and select a location to save the file.
  6. Select a Save as Type from the drop-down list (e.g. Excel).
  7. Click Save.

Note: The file can be opened using third party applications (e.g. Excel) as a tab delimited file.

See Also

Utilize List Searches

Edit a Search in a List

Save a List Search

Execute a Search

Utilize Saved Searches

Delete Saved Searches

Set Individualized Default Search Criteria
