Assign Users to Organizations and Processes (Role Assignment)

Users and user groups can be assigned to roles within a specific organization or process. Users and/or user groups will perform the functions of these roles for the organization or process being managed.

For Organizations

  1. Access the Organization Model from the entity hierarchy.
  2. Click the name of the organizational unit, or right-click and select View Object..
  3. Click View Role Assignment.

For Processes

  1. Access the Organization Model from the entity hierarchy.
  2. Expand the organization unit.
  3. Click the name of the process, or right-click and select View Object..
  4. Click View Role Assignment.

  5. Select a role from the drop-down menu.
  6. If needed, change the list by clicking on User Groups or Users.
  7. Enter a name, email or network ID for a user and click Search or click Show All.
  8. Click Assign next to the name of the user/user group to be added to the role for the selected organization or process.

See Also

GP - Chpt - Manage Organizations

Create the Organizational Model

Add a Child Organization

Edit an Organization

Link a PCS to an Organizational Unit

Delete an Organization Model

Link Processes to an Organizational Unit

Link an Organization to Another Entity

Link Tags to Organizations

Link Financial Elements to Processes