Link an Organization to Another Entity

You can link organizations to other entities in your GRC framework. Linking enables you to connect like areas of your GRC framework for management and reporting purposes.

  1. Right-click on the organization you wish to link. Click Link Object and choose the entity type you wish to link to the organization.

    GP - IT Hierarchy - Org - Link

  2. For IT applications, projects and events, or custom entities, a search screen will appear with a list of entities for the type you selected. Mark the checkboxes next to the entities you wish to link in the search list.

    Note: Click Edit Search and utilize the list search functionality to modify your selection and focus your results. Utilize List Searches for more information.

  3. Click Save.

See Also

GP - Chpt - Manage Organizations

Create the Organizational Model

Add a Child Organization

Edit an Organization

Link a PCS to an Organizational Unit

Delete an Organization Model

Link Processes to an Organizational Unit

Link Tags to Organizations

Link Financial Elements to Processes

Assign Users to Organizations and Processes (Role Assignment)