Project Templates

The project templates area allows you to build one or more on-line work programs that can be the basis of individual projects. Each project template has a series of phases, activities, work paper types, and resources. You have maximum flexibility to create various project approaches and steps that are repeatable. Templates may be applied to multiple projects and therefore simplify the administration of scheduling projects and facilitate consistent execution. By default, the standard project template is called The Protiviti Way. The Project Portal Administrator may create one or more of their own templates.

Each single project based on a template will have the same structure and set of activities. However, once "in-motion" a specific project may add or edit the activities associated with the original template.

See Also

Project Library

View Project Templates

Create a Project Template

Edit a Project Template

Delete a Project Template

Project Activities

Add Activities to a Project Template

Edit a Project Template Activity

Develop a User Defined Work Paper

Delete a Project Template Activity

Project Checklists

Project Documentation Templates