Add Activities to a Project Template

  1. Access the Project Templates section
  2. Click the template name.

    Audit Activity Templates

  3. Click Add in the Project Activity Templates section.

    Add an Audit Activity Template

  4. Select an activity phase from the drop-down list to help organize the activities.
  5. Enter the activity name and description.
  6. Select a work paper type from the drop-down list.


    • You may select one of the work paper types or a project checklist.
    • The option selected will determine the fields presented to the user when analyzing the work paper.
  7. Select the role(s) of the person who will be responsible for completing this activity during a project.


    • This step is optional.
    • More than one role may be selected.
    • Selecting a role provides guidance on who may complete this activity during a project. A specific individual will be assigned during the project scheduling process.
  8. Click Save.


    • Additional Work Papers (except RCM work paper types) may be added to a project after scheduling if needed.
    • The sort order is automatically assigned. See Edit a Project Template Activity for information on creating "child" activities.
  9. Click Add in the Attachments section.

    Add an Attachment

  10. Enter a title and any necessary comments.
  11. Click Browse to locate a file on your computer or server. Or enter the URL.

    Note: The URL format must be

  12. Upload Attachment to Sharepoint (Optional): Mark the Upload to SharePoint checkbox and select the document library where the attachment will reside from the drop-down menu.

    Note: This option is only available if you are using the SharePoint feature to manage and edit attachments. For more information, see Manage Attachments Using Sharepoint.

  13. Click Upload.
  14. (Optional) Click Resources to add supporting documents or URLs that will assist the team member in completing the activity.

    Note: Users may access these resources by clicking the Resources link on the project activity form.

See Also

Project Templates

View Project Templates

Create a Project Template

Edit a Project Template

Delete a Project Template

Project Activities

Edit a Project Template Activity

Develop a User Defined Work Paper

Delete a Project Template Activity