Edit a Project Template Activity

  1. Access the Project Templates section
  2. Click the project template name.
  3. Click Edit next to the name of the activity you wish to edit in the Project Activity Templates section.
  4. Make the necessary changes (e.g. change the phase, sort order, work paper type, activity name and/or resources).

    Note: Add a decimal (.X) to any sort number to create a child activity. For example, change the sort order from 0002 to 1.1 to make the activity a "child" of activity 0001. Activities that contain child activities will be displayed with a + in front of them. Click icon-Expand Expand to view all of the sub activities.

    Audit Activity Templates

  5. Click icon- Save.

See Also

Project Templates

View Project Templates

Create a Project Template

Edit a Project Template

Delete a Project Template

Project Activities

Add Activities to a Project Template

Develop a User Defined Work Paper

Delete a Project Template Activity