Project Activities

Activities are the individual tasks or work papers that will be completed as part of the project. During the project scheduling process, the IA Admin selects a project template. All associated activities and work paper placeholders are created for the project. Utilizing templates provides the organization and structure of what must be completed during the project.

The admin may create as many activities as needed for the project. However, there can only be one activity that is associated with the RCM work paper type per project. An activity may be associated to another project activity in a parent, peer or child relationship. The primary purpose of activities is to establish the sequence of work and to choose WHAT you want the project team to analyze. The IA Portal uses a series of work paper types and checklists to manage the nature of a specific activity.

Work Papers - Work papers are the documentation created during a project. The Governance Portal comes pre-populated with a standard set of work paper types including generic work papers that can capture any information determined by the project team. Each work paper type has a unique set of attributes which define the type of information tracked and captured for the select work paper.

The following work paper types are available in the Project Portal:

Checklists - A set of questions presented to the team member to ensure all tasks have been completed and promote quality assurance. Several checklists have been pre-created in the Governance Portal including project job completion, ELRA planning checklist and a planning and scoping checklist.

See Also

Project Templates

View Project Templates

Create a Project Template

Edit a Project Template

Delete a Project Template

Add Activities to a Project Template

Edit a Project Template Activity

Develop a User Defined Work Paper

Delete a Project Template Activity