Work Paper Analysis - Complete a Project Report Work Paper in the Project Workbench

The final deliverable of an project is the project report. The project report work paper allows the project team to track the status of the creation and review of the project report. It also provides the ability to notify specified users of the project report status.

Note: Project report work papers are not available in the Project Workbench.

See Also

Using Work Paper Types in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Analysis - Complete a Standard Work Paper in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Analysis - Complete a Meeting & Interview Work Paper in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Analysis - Complete a Checklist Work Paper in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Analysis - Complete a Testing Details Work Paper in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Analysis - Complete an RCM Work Paper in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Functions - Review a Work Paper in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Functions - Generate a Task for a Work Paper in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Functions - Generate a Finding in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Functions - Add an Attachment to a Work Paper in the Project Workbench