Work Paper Analysis - Complete a Checklist Work Paper in the Project Workbench

  1. Access the work papers from the Project Workbench.
  2. Click the IAP-Audit Workbench-checklist workpaper checklist work paper. (e.g. Plan and Scope checklist, Quality Assurance checklist etc.).

    Note: Checklists are defined by the Project Admin and are added to the project template as an activity.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Review each item.
  5. Select the check box next to each item that is complete.
  6. Add any additional comments.
  7. Click Save.

See Also

Using Work Paper Types in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Analysis - Complete a Standard Work Paper in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Analysis - Complete a Meeting & Interview Work Paper in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Analysis - Complete a Testing Details Work Paper in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Analysis - Complete an RCM Work Paper in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Analysis - Complete a Project Report Work Paper in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Functions - Review a Work Paper in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Functions - Generate a Task for a Work Paper in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Functions - Generate a Finding in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Functions - Add an Attachment to a Work Paper in the Project Workbench