Work Paper Analysis - Complete a Standard Work Paper in the Project Workbench

The standard work paper is the most common work paper in the Governance Portal. Its simple analysis section, by default only capturing name and description, provide it the flexibility to capture almost any type of project documentation (e.g. capturing a risk map, documenting prior project findings, documenting the project project plan, gathering process information and documentation etc.). The name and description describe what should be captured. The standard work paper can be used over and over within a single project.

  1. Access the work papers from the Project Workbench.
  2. Click the IAP-offline-standard workpaper standard work paper.

  3. Click Edit to change the name, description and status.
  4. Click Save.

See Also

Using Work Paper Types in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Analysis - Complete a Meeting & Interview Work Paper in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Analysis - Complete a Checklist Work Paper in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Analysis - Complete a Testing Details Work Paper in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Analysis - Complete an RCM Work Paper in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Analysis - Complete a Project Report Work Paper in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Functions - Review a Work Paper in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Functions - Generate a Task for a Work Paper in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Functions - Generate a Finding in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Functions - Add an Attachment to a Work Paper in the Project Workbench