Delete an Uploaded Attachment (File or URL)

  1. Access the Document list for an organizational unit, process, IT application, or project/event.

    Note: See Entity Documentation for additional information.

  2. Locate the document with an uploaded file to delete.
  3. Click View next to the name of the document in the document list.

    Note: The document attributes page will appear.

  4. Click icon-View View next to the name of the file in the Attachment section.

    Note: The attachment attributes display

  5. Click Delete File.
  6. Click OK in the warning box.

    Note: All previous versions of this document will also be deleted.

See Also

Entity Documentation

View and Edit Document Attributes

Link URLs or Upload Attachments

Document List Pagination

Adding Additional Documents to the Document Group

View a Document within the Document Group

View Document Attachments (File or URL)

Edit a Document

Delete a Document

Set Permissions for a Group of Documents

Set Permissions for a Specific Document

Import Additional Documents into the Format List