Edit an Impact

You can edit Impacts via In line editing or through the impact form:

Edit Impacts via in line editing

  1. Access the Incident list.
  2. Click the Incident name.
  3. Click Edit next to the name of the impact you wish to update.

    Note: Click Edit All to place all listed impacts in edit mode at the same time.

  4. Edit the information through the text boxes or drop-down lists.
  5. Click icon- Save.

    Note: Click Save All if the Edit All functionality was utilized.

Edit Impacts via the Impacts Form

  1. Access the Incident List.
  2. Click the Incident name.
  3. Scroll to the Impacts List and click the incident you wish to edit.
  4. Click Edit in the Impact Attributes section.

  5. Edit any information through the text boxes or drop-down lists.
  6. Click Save to update the information and return to the Impact form.

See Also

Assess Incident Impact

Add an Impact

Delete an Impact

Review an Impact