Complete an Action Item

Evaluations, reviews and other general tasks that are scheduled through a workflow template, become action items that are completed by those with a designated role for the specified task. Each task is assigned a step in the workflow. Those completing the task can see the task assigned to them and enter a comment. In addition, evaluators can see those who have completed the tasks before them and if the results do not meet the evaluator's approval, he or she can "roll back" the evaluation process to any previous step. The Execution Information screen will automatically open up when completing an assigned task.

Assigned action items (workflow tasks) can be accessed through the Action Items list, My Portal, through email notifications and through the task lists associated with each object within the Governance Portal. See Update a Single Task for additional information.

While each workflow task may differ in terms of specific content, the assigned user can designate a status of the task and add a comment. Once a task is completed, the workflow will move to the next step in the workflow based on a start date condition. The start date condition for tasks within a workflow may be based on completion of other tasks in the workflow, or based on a fixed number of days from the start of the overall workflow project.

If notifications have been activated in the task assignment, the completion of the task will notify the designated users. An evaluation is "completed" when the last step of the workflow is completed.

See Also

Workflow Projects

View the Project List

Create a Project

Edit a Project

Delete a Project/Reassign Tasks